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What are the status definitions?

July 19, 2022

Withheld. For properties that have privacy concerns or no intention of receiving full marketing exposure. These listings are only visible to the listing brokerage and MLS staff. Public marketing is not permitted.

Coming Soon. For properties that are being marketed to all licensed professionals with MARIS systems and on any medium controlled by the broker or agent.

Active. For properties that are offered for sale and have no accepted contract.

Active Under Contract. For properties that have an accepted contract and the seller has instructed their agent to keep marketing and showing the property in an effort to obtain a backup offer.

  • With Kick-out. For properties that have an accepted contract with a contingency that may allow the seller to terminate the current contract in favor of a backup contract.
  • Without Kick-out. For properties that have an accepted contract and the seller has instructed the listing broker to keep marketing the property in effort to secure a backup contract, regardless of their ability to terminate the current contract.

Pending. For properties that have an accepted contract and the seller has instructed their agent to cease marketing and/or showing the property. This property may still have normal contractual conditions (i.e. inspections, financing, etc.

Closed. For properties that have sold/leased. For the purposes of updating MLS status, ‘closed’ references the legal transfer of property and is not dependent on broker compensation being received.

Hold: For properties that are not being marketed or shown for a short period of time due to unforeseen circumstances, but are still listed and expected to return to Active status in a short period of time.

Withdrawn. For properties withdrawn from the system prior to expiration, but still subject to some listing broker rights. Listings will remain in this status until they move to the expired status.

Expired. For properties for which the listing period has expired.

Cancelled. For properties that have been withdrawn from the MLS and the listing agreement has been terminated. These listings will not expire.

Our hope is that the simplification of statuses and clear definitions returns a heightened level of listing inventory transparency to benefit all MARIS members. This transparency supports our mission to help facilitate the orderly transaction of properties between competitors, thus supporting our underlying goal of promoting cooperation within the MARIS marketplace.

For more information on statuses, please take a look at the guides and frequently asked questions below. 

If you have additional questions, please call us at 314.984.9111 option 1. We're always happy to help!

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