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Image for Myth Busted - We Don’t Sell Your Listings


September 9, 2019

Myth Busted - We Don’t Sell Your Listings

We believe that transparency is the foundation for trust and credibility. So, whenever we encounter misconceptions, we like to take a moment to dispel myths and raise awareness. This is why I’m here to say, “We don’t sell your data to third parties, period.” 

It’s that simple, no B.S., hidden exclusions or exceptions apply. We believe that it's your data, so you should have control over it. We have processes in place to give you control over who you share it with. We’re here to help you succeed, which is why we wouldn’t sell your data to third party websites.

A Look at Syndication

It’s no secret that we live in a consumer driven world. Gone are the days where marketing homes was done entirely via print ads in the local paper. Today's buyer is empowered to search for their next dream home through an ever changing variety of consumer-facing sites. As a result, today's seller wants their home marketed on the platforms with the most consumer eyeballs.   

Like ‘em or leave ‘em third party consumer-facing websites have built brands and consumer loyalty too strong to simply ignore. 

As marketing is an essential aspect of Real Estate, MARIS enables data distribution for its members. We understand the need to promote home sales, and stay on top of consumer trends, which is why we maintain business relationships with consumer-facing vendors. However, the financial benefit to us is zip, zero, zilch, none, nada. Everything we do is to enable you!  

You’re in Control

Brokers: We empower our brokers with the freedom to choose where their listings are distributed. Brokers can control their syndication settings via the Clarity dashboard and Enabled with options, brokers determine which sites their brokerage shares listing data with.

Agents: We empower our agents with the option to not syndicate on a listing by listing basis. From the data input form, click on the ‘General’ tab and simply select ‘no’ within the ‘Publish to Internet’ field.

We hope that this has helped shed some light on a topic that has circled around the real estate sector for some time. As always, please reach out if you have any questions. We are here and always happy to help!